IMG_6559 about
At times, the most lovely things are forgotten or unknown. I take the time to capture photos of beauty you may not notice. I write down what's inspiring to me. I enjoy the little things that this life has to offer.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
posted at 7:26 AM

Just because I'm missing him today. The rain always makes me miss him a tad bit more than I usually do. It makes me miss snuggling in his arms, how warm he is, how sweet he is, his scent, and how refreshed I feel when I'm with him <3

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
posted at 7:17 AM

My boyfriend told me once that a teacher suggested for him to take fifteen minutes out of each day to learn something new. It could be about anything at all. Ever since he passed that knowledge on to me I've actually been attempting to take time to school myself on new things. Often it's my boyfriend teaching me something - whether it be about an animal I had never heard of (bot-flys are disgusting), the stars in the sky (so relaxing and stars have really cool names), the benefits of not swearing (I'm trying!), or just simply how to not worry about things (I'm working on this one as well). From time to time I think about all the time that's passed since I've dropped out of art school and how I could've been completely finished with school by now. Although learning about bot-flys and how not to swear is helpful, I think I'm finally ready to learn something new every week that will give me a piece of paper saying I did so. I started college when I was only 17 years old. Thinking back on it now I'm so happy that I didn't go through with the degree I was pursuing. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up, where I was going to get a job, where I was going to live, the people I would meet on the way - nothing. I now realize that I'm fully interested in children, young children, and would like to begin a degree in Early Childhood Education. I already have about 7 years experience under my belt so I'm hoping that the school part won't be too horribly hard for me. I'm also really still interested in art (learning through art) and hope to one day collab children and art together to find the perfect career for me. I think meeting my boyfriend and experiencing his eagerness to learn about anything he comes across has really rubbed off on me. It's helped me realize that I'm finally ready for this.

So here's to going back to school and getting my education on, yipeeI promise that had a little bit of enthusiasm in it haha.


Sunday, August 5, 2012
posted at 5:05 PM

Yesterday while walking along the river I told myself, and the dog, that we would walk across the bridge the next day. I've spent my whole life so close to Boston yet I have barely explored it. This often makes me laugh because I have been to Rome yet I haven't gone to many places in a city so close to me.

This morning I woke up, got ready, and took the dog to set out on our adventure. We crossed the bridge. When we got to the other side I realized how much nicer it was then on the Cambridge side (which is hard for me to admit). As we kept walking we eventually went down a path that took us to a foot bridge that lead us to a little island. It was beautiful! I was disappointed that I had never been there before. There was lots of lush green grass, perfect for lying in. There were lots of benches under leafy willow trees that looked like the perfect place to sit and contemplate my day. There was an awesome tree that had leaned to the side creating places to climb on it and sit. There were small inlets of water where there were duck families swimming around. It was like a small piece of paradise in the city. I can imagine this place would even be really nice in the dead of winter when it was covered in snow. I can't wait to bring my boyfriend here. I can see us going for a stroll here after dinner to watch the sunset and to enjoy each other's company. Something I love about him is how much he appreciates a quiet stroll in natures beauty, just like I do.

So for the first time in all my twenty four years of living in here I finally got to take a picture of the Cambridge and the Boston skyline in the same day. It's about time! Here's to more exploring in the rest of my summer days.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012
posted at 5:38 PM

New music is something I like to discover in this world of many unknowns. This man here is Daley. I was watching music videos with my boyfriend one day and we saw his video featuring Marsha Ambrosius. He caught my ear because he sounded like The Weeknd and the video caught my eye because it was in black and white, I'm a sucker for black white! He has a very unique look, his hair is quite fun. His voice is.. soothing. Whenever I hear him it makes me feel like I want to curl up on the couch with my boyfriend on a rainy night. Listening to the rain hitting the roof; the smell of it's freshness. Feeling my boyfriends warmth hugging my body and his sweet kisses gracing my lips. Yes, Daley's voice makes me feel all of that, which is what makes me enjoy him so much. I do listen to "silly music" from time to time, music that lacks real feeling. I think in the last year I've gotten too caught up in it. I miss music that makes me feel, music that takes me to whole other place. The last album I bought that did that to me was Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (for reasons that can be explained another time). I'll keep my fingers crossed for some more unexpected but, lovely musical finds.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012
posted at 5:22 PM

Today I snapped a photo of this piece of stencil art that was on the side door of my favorite burrito spot. I've noticed it one time before and thought that the quote could mean so much. It made me think of all the people who spend time trying to be happy or trying to be in love. I don't understand why. Personally, I took a year off from love at a rough time in my life, right after a long relationship. I decided it was time for me to do all the things I loved doing on my own, to become my own person, and to be happy being just me. It was one of the most enjoyable times of my life. As soon as I realized how happy I was, someone stepped into my life who takes me to a whole other level of happiness. I believe that happy people attract other happy people and who wouldn't want a happy person in their life? If people don't take the time to truly find out how happy they can make themselves then they're never going to figure out how someone else can add to their life. Just my opinion. Art can really make you think.

Happiness is love.

- J